Friday, March 20, 2020

Functional or Dysfunctional Families Essays

Functional or Dysfunctional Families Essays Functional or Dysfunctional Families Essay Functional or Dysfunctional Families Essay What Is the first thing thats come Into your mind? Love? Hate? That there Is no such a thing as family? There Is no specific rule that says families should be a certain way. Every single family has problems. Therefore, there is no such thing as a completely functional family. Then, what really is a functional family? Does anybody really know? Or may be- are we Judging something based on a model that has been created by our society? For example: the perfect family Is where the wife stay home ND does her duties and the man of the house brings home the bacon. The perfect children are the ones who never flight; in a perfect family, the mother-in-law is a best friend with the wife. Not Just in the immediate family is there perfection, but also with the cousins, aunts and grandmothers: everybody gets along with everybody else, and nobody talks about anyone behind their backs. In the world there are different types of families, each with their own traditions, customs and values. Each one of them has their own particular ay of thinking. This doesnt necessarily mean this is a dysfunctional family. Actually it would be hard for us to identify what could be a dysfunctional family or not. It Is perfectly normal that females have disagreements and fights because we as humans are not perfect nor have the same way AT twinkling. I en Important thing Is Tort every memoir AT ten family to accept their mistakes and learn to respect each others opinions. : This reminds me of the movie Little Miss Sunshine where the familys elder son decides not speak a word for nine months, the uncle tries to take his own life because of a broken heart, the grandfather is a drug addict and the father does not accept Losers in the family. This is a perfect example of how each and every one of us has our own problems, opinions and ways of dealing with conflict. It shows that at the end no matter what their decisions is, the family should stay together and encourage each other paying no mind to their differences. We have learned that families are not perfect. We should not go by the tankard of functional or dysfunctional because the real issue is not about measuring up to a standard. Since all human beings are complicated, we are bound no to get along all the time. But we must work on doing so, not only in our family circle, but also with all humanity. Family is a very important part of life: what you have forever, even after disappointments, arguments or bog fights. Good families will overcome their emotions and try to help one another. Where this is impossible, friends become the family, but may never be quite the same.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Distance Between Degrees of Latitude and Longitude

The Distance Between Degrees of Latitude and Longitude What is the precise location of Los Angeles? It can be stated in relative terms (about 3,000 miles west of New York, for example), but for a cartographer, pilot, geologist, or geographer, a much more specific measurement is needed. In order to precisely locate any spot in the world, therefore, we use a geographic coordinate system that is measured in degrees of latitude and longitude. This system starts with an imaginary grid of lines that cover the entire planet. Locations are measured based on both X and Y coordinates within the grid. Because the Earth is round, however, the distances between lines on the grid vary. Defining Latitude and Longitude Longitude is defined as imaginary lines called meridians that run from the north to the south pole. There are a total of 360 meridians. The Prime Meridian, which runs through the Greenwich Observatory in England, is also called the International Date Line. Every location east of this line is one day earlier than every location west of the line. Latitude is defined as imaginary lines called parallels because they are parallel to the equator and to one another. The equator, which runs in a circle around the center of the Earth, divides the planet into north and south hemispheres. Lines of latitude and longitude intersect, creating a grid that allows anyone in any location to pinpoint a geographic location. There are 360 degrees of longitude (because meridians make Great Circles around the globe), and there are 180 degrees of latitude. To further specify exactly where to find anything on Earth, measurements are stated not only in degrees but also in minutes and seconds. Each degree can be broken into 60 minutes, and each minute can be divided into 60 seconds. Any given location can be described in terms of degrees, minutes, and seconds of longitude and latitude. What Is the Distance Between Degrees of Latitude? Degrees of latitude are parallel so, for the most part, the distance between each degree remains constant. However, the Earth is slightly elliptical in shape and that creates a small variation between the degrees as we work our way from the equator to the north and south poles. Each degree of latitude is approximately 69 miles (111 kilometers) apart.At the equator, the distance is 68.703 miles (110.567 kilometers).At the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 degrees north and south), the distance is 68.94 miles (110.948 kilometers).At each of the poles, the distance is 69.407 miles (111.699 kilometers). This is rather convenient when you want to know how far it is between each degree, no matter where you are on Earth. All you need to know is that each minute (1/60th of a degree) is approximately one mile. For example, if we were at  40 degrees north,  100 degrees west, we would be on the Nebraska-Kansas border. If we were to go  directly north to  41 degrees north,  100 degrees west, we would have traveled about 69 miles and would now be near Interstate 80. What is the Distance Between Degrees of Longitude? Unlike latitude, the distance between degrees of longitude varies greatly depending upon your location on the planet. They are farthest apart at the equator and converge at the poles. A degree of longitude is widest at the equator with a distance of 69.172 miles (111.321 kilometers).The distance gradually shrinks to zero as they meet at the poles.At 40 degrees north or south, the distance between a degree of longitude is 53 miles (85 kilometers). The line at 40 degrees north runs through the middle of the United States and China, as well as Turkey and Spain. Meanwhile, 40 degrees south is south of Africa, goes through the southern part of Chile and Argentina, and runs almost directly through the center of New Zealand. Calculate the Distance from One Point to Another What if you are given two coordinates for latitude and longitude and you need to know how far it is between the two locations?  You could use what is known as a haversine formula to calculate the distance - but unless you are a whiz at trigonometry, it is not easy. Luckily, in todays digital world, computers can do the math for us. Most interactive map applications will allow you to input GPS coordinates of latitude and longitude and tell you the distance between the two points.  There are a number of latitude/longitude distance calculators available online. The National Hurricane Center has one that is very easy to use. Keep in mind that you can also  find the precise latitude and longitude of a location using a map application. In Google Maps, for example, you can simply click on a location and a pop-up window will give latitude and longitude data to a millionth of a degree. Similarly, if you right-click on a location in MapQuest you will get the latitude and longitude data. Source Latitude/Longitude Distance Calculator. National Hurricane Center and Central Pacific Hurricane Center.